BLUEcloud Analytics (BCA)

BCA Login Link

After you have been granted access, use the following link for BLUEcloud Analytics

Go to the BLUEcloud Analytics Login Screen 🔗

Important BCA Facts:

User logins are personal and access will be terminated for any user who shares their username and password.

Data is refreshed each day at 1 AM.

Whitelist these email addresses to ensure you get scheduled emails from BCA:

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Protection Agreements

BCA PII Library Agreement

Libraries wishing Advanced Reports access or PII Reports access are required to sign this BCA PII Library Agreement.  This agreement much be completed and returned to RSA to grant advanced access.  Please note that for advanced access, the library will be required to notify RSA whenever a staff member leaves the employment of the that library, ideally the same day.  RSA staff MUST remove access to all former library employees immediately to protect our patrons.  One agreement per library covers any staff member wishing Advanced access or delivery of scheduled reports showing PII information.

Download the BCA PII Library Agreement

BCA PII User Agreement

Library staff members must sign and return this agreement prior to being upgraded and trained for Advanced Reports and PII access.  This agreement is per employee and is in addition to the one library level agreement signed by the staff member’s library.  In general, only one or two employees from any library may need this level of access.

Download the BCA PII User Agreement

Cheat Sheets and Guides

BCA User Reference Guide

The BCA User Reference Guide is the initial training guide and a handy reference to all the icons on menu options in BCA. We suggest having a copy on-hand to reference until you are comfortable using BCA. This reference guide does not specifically cover topics in great detail. See the cheat sheets and guides below for task specific documentation. Updated 15 January 2025.

Download the BCA User Reference Guide

Interactive Dashboard Cheat Sheet

The Interactive Collection Browser cheat sheet covers both some specifics of using that specific dashboard. It also covers the basics of Interactive Dashboard usage and most of the new elements of the new, one-click to run Interactive Dashboard interface. The interface elements are used in all the dashboards linked below.

Download the Interactive Collection Browser cheat sheet Added August 2024.

BLUEcloud Analytics Data Reference Guide

Convert the BCA terms to Symphony database terms.  BCA works with both Symphony and Horizon and many terms are not Symphony specific.  This is the SirsiDynix source document that lists all BCA data elements and what they point to in the Symphony (and Horizon) database. In most cases the document you really want is the next one down, the BCA – Workflows Terminology cheat sheet.

Download the BLUEcloud Analytics Data Reference guide

BCA – Workflows Terminology

A visual guide to Workflows displays and their corresponding terms in BCA. December 2016.

Download the BCA – Workflows Terminology cheat sheet

Instructions for Subscribing to Reports via Email in BCA

A quick run through the process of running, then scheduling a report to be emailed out to you or someone else from BCA. July 2016.

Download the Instructions for Subscribing to Reports via Email in BCA guide

Save and Save As vs Create Personal View

This explains the difference between saving a report (Save & Save As) and Creating a Personal View of a report. August 2016.

Download the Save and Save As vs Create Personal View guide

BCA – Exploring Data with Excel

A short guide to using the Filter function in Excel to analyze or better view your data.  Works best on reports with lots of data like shelflist reports. September 2016.

Download the BCA – Exploring Data with Excel guide

Logging In

A cheat sheet to logging into BLUEcloud Analytics. August 2024.

Running a Report

Demonstrates the basics of running a report. August 2024.

Create Personal View

A guide to creating a personalized view of a report, saving your prompts & display preferences. August 2024.

Full BCA Training Session for Reports and Dashboards

The full Zoom recording of the Reports and Dashboards training session held on 23 January 2025.

BCA Q&A Session

The Zoom recording of the BCA Q&A following the training session held on 23 January 2025.

Interactive, Stand-Alone Dashboard Links

Interactive Collection Browser

website view of Interactive Collection Browser, which allows libraries to better understand their collectoin
Interactive Collection Browser Example

Introducing our Interactive Collection Browser. With this dashboard, you can create shelflists on the fly and dynamically change what you see in them. This dashboard has 2 pages of data. After logging in, the yellow box at the top of the screen has detailed instructions on how to use filters, export an item list, and even save your settings to save yourself time.

Interactive Collection Browser (requires a BLUEcloud Analytics user login)

Holds Placed and Filled Interactive Dashboard

Slice and dice data to gain insights on things like where your patrons pickup their holds, what general item formats are they holding, who is pickup up holds in your library and by what general item format, and more. You can change the hold placed/filled dates to look at specific things like summer reading. This dashboard has 2 pages of visualizations and 2 pages showing the data used to build the visualization.

Holds. Placed and Filled Interactive Dashboard (requires a BLUEcloud Analytics user login)

Checkouts and Renewals Interactive Dashboard

This dashboard allows you to examine checkouts and renewals by date, library, user profile, checkout library, patron library, user profile, general format and more. This dashboard has 4 pages of visualizations and 4 pages showing the data used to build the visualization.

Checkouts and Renewals Interactive Dashboard (requires a BLUEcloud Analytics user login)

Checkouts and Renewals Over Time Interactive Analysis Dashboard

Added 13 Dec 2024
This dashboard allows you to examine checkouts and renewals since 2021 for your library. The idea is that you can see trends and usage patterns by day of the week, hour of the day, or year over year. Need to see when you busiest times in November and December are? Limit checkouts to that time frame, then select only the “Staff / In Library” option to limit transactions to Workflows and selfchecks. You can alternately limit transactions further by Item Cat 2 (generally reading level) to focus in on something like Juvenile coded item checkouts. This dashboard has only a single page of visualizations. To print the charts out larger, select the Share button in the upper right, then Export to PDF. In that menu, change the Contents option to “Each visualization separately.”

Checkouts and Renewals Over Time Interactive Analysis Dashboard (requires a BLUEcloud Analytics user login)

Reciprocal Borrows Interactive Dashboard

Added 24 Jan 2025
This dashboard breaks out both types of reciprocal borrowers at your library; checkouts by other library’s patrons, and all of the reciprocal borrower user profiles. Add both totals together to get the full count of your reciprocal borrowing circulation in the given timeframe. There are also heatmap visualizations to help better understand visually who is using your library.

Reciprocal Borrows Interactive Dashboard (requires a BLUEcloud Analytics user login)

Transit Counts To and From My Library Interactive Dashboard

This dashboard allows you to examine items transited to and from your library either to fill a hold, or to return back to their home. You’ll see the transit reasons of “Hold” which were transited to fill a hold or “Library” which were transited back to the item owning library. You can limit the transit time-frame as you wish staring from 1 Jan 2022 through today. This shows the raw transit data, not just filled holds. I think you’ll be surprise just how many libraries your library is transiting materials too! This dashboard has 2 pages selected via the Table of Contents icon, with a combined visualization and statistical data display. As always, you can export a just the visualization, or the entire ‘page’ with the 3 dot menus in the upper right of each panel, or the overall “Share” button on the right side of the maroon menu bar.

Transit Counts To and From My Library Interactive Dashboard (requires a BLUEcloud Analytics user login)

Most Popular Titles and Authors Interactive Dashboard

This dashboard provides, as best the system can, lists of your top title and authors in the timeframe specified at the launch of the dashboard.  The dashboard allows you to slice the lists by any combination of Item Cat 2 (reading level), Item Cat 3 (General Format), and Item Cat 1 (Fic/Non-Fic).  To re-prompt the report to change the display library or date range, click the Re-Prompt icon in the upper left of the menu bar.  Please keep in mind that the lists aren’t perfect.  The title merging requires exact matches, which mean you may see multiple versions of the same title due to spelling, capitalization changes, or punctuation differences.

Most Popular Titles and Authors Interactive Dashboard (requires a BLUEcloud Analytics user login)

Categorized as: Reports





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