Here’s an overview of what to expect from our new support site. Read on for a description of how to use the site and how it is organized.

Layouts of Pages

You will notice a table of contents on the left side of many pages throughout the site. This can be used to navigate and jump within the current page to the section title of your choice. This contents sidebar is accessible on most pages with at least 3 sections and will follow you down the page even after you scroll.

Because some pages like the Handbooks are quite long, this can be a fast way to navigate within a page.

Screenshot of typical page with arrows denoting how the table of contents can be used.
Screenshot showing side menu navigation within current page.

Main Menu

The menu across the top of every page is the Main Menu and can be helpful in getting you directly to the information you need.


Hanbooks are lists curated by RSA staff to help RSA library staff and are grouped by specific roles. If you are interested in learning more about being a Director or Administrator in an RSA library, you may want to start with the Directors & Admin handbook.

If you are a cataloger, the Cataloging handbook is a good place to see an organized overview of all the cataloging info on the support site.

Are you trying to learn more about our rules and procedures on circulation? Check out the Circulation handbook and find various subpages grouped by their uses.

There are also handbook pages for school libraries and for those new to RSA. If you have an idea of how to expand these, please let us know at and include “New RSA Support Site” in the subject.

Pages by Topic

Within the Main Menu, you’ll see options to browse the site By Topics. This can be a useful way to search and browse the site for information. We suggest you start with the All Topics page. Notice that items in these pages and sub-pages are arranged alphabetically. If you want to see things by their category, there is an option to click on a tab within the All Topics page or you can simply go to the By Topic > Specific Topic

Screenshot showing how to filter a list by clicking the category tab.
Screenshot showing how to filter a list by clicking the category tab.

There are a variety of categories that the pages in the By Topic menu are sorted into. They include:



Monthly Statistics – direct link to the page with monthly reports.



Setup & Configuration – setup for WorkFlows and more.

Support for Other Products – includes eBook information, and other services outside of WorkFlows.


Finally, if you haven’t found what you’re looking for after using your preferred method, you can always try searching the site. Just click the magnifying glass in the very top right of the page anywhere on the site, type your terms and press Enter/Return to start a search.

Screenshot with arrow showing the search option at the top of every page
Search from the top of every page.