Holds Parameters

The contents of this page were recently moved from the Circulation Parameters page.
February 2024.

The RSA Library delivery codes listing is available here: RSA_Library_Delivery_Codes on the RSA Member Libraries Page. Please note: this file is provided as a convenience to RSA members to speed up filling out delivery labels and will only be updated when changes to a delivery code are made, or a new library is added to RSA.

Hold Map

View the Hold Map

This list is updated the 1st week of each month.

List which determines which item types are holdable local (only your library patrons), holdable to no one, or holdable to everyone.  If an item type does not appear on this list, that item type is holdable by everyone.  The system assumes an item is holdable unless told otherwise, this list contains all the exceptions to the everything is holdable rule.  This file is checked from the bottom up to determine the rule to use.  The first instance (ie, the lowest on the list) that matches the library, item type, and user profile of the checkout in question is used.

Hold Rule Helper Checklist

View the Hold Rule Helper Checklist

A spreadsheet to help you provide all required information to set up new hold rules.  The spreadsheet contains column headers that display additional information when you hover your cursor over them.  This checklist is intended to be filled in electronically using Microsoft Excel, saved on your computer, and then emailed to James at the RSA.

Hold Rule Helper Checklist – Printable

View the Printable Hold Rule Helper Checklist

A spreadsheet to help you provide all required information to set up new hold rules. Unlike the electronic version of the hold rule helper check list linked above, the printable hold rule helper checklist contains additional column headers with short descriptions of the type of information needed.  This checklist is intended to be printed out, filled in, and used as a reference when you call James at the RSA to request new hold rules.

Membership and Holds Groupings

View the Membership and Holds Groupings

When placing holds in RSAcat the Holds Groupings tell the system to first search within one’s own group. RSAcat knows to do this because users are assumed to be placing a hold from their home library’s RSAcat profile. Workflows does not abide by these hold groupings rules because holds are placed system-wide by default.





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